Development Appraisals

Exemplar regeneration incorporates elements of live, work and play, in order to create a place and generate long-term asset values. Typically these public assets, be they hospitals, football stadiums or performance venues, seek to secure the capital cost funding through cross funding from enabling development.

Earth’s financial modeling expertise enables this to be set out for investors and public sector bodies and also supports planning permission for the integrated scheme development.

Earth developed this expertise through arts, heritage and sports funded Lottery regeneration schemes from the late 1990s. Recently, Earth has been drawing on these skills to enable health trusts fund in whole, or in part, new health facilities through enabling development on their sites. These appraisals form part of any full business case requirement, for central government and HM Treasury.

Earth has a strong track record in carrying out options appraisals for local authorities, relating to the redevelopment of their own land and in particular, the delivery of stadiums and arts venues. This service combines Earth’s real estate and financial accounting expertise.

Earth has considerable experience in developing the financial business plan for the preferred option.

Earth has prepared development appraisals for a variety of projects including:

If you would like further information on development appraisals and our approach, please contact us here:


Case Studies

Dover Beacon – Levelling Up Fund – Round Two Bid Success

Earth was appointed to prepare and lead on the Dover District Council Round 2 Levelling Up Fund bid for the ‘Dover Beacon’ project.