Levelling Up Fund Round Three – Imminent Launch

After an anticipated wait, on the 16th October 2023, Michael Gove announced that the Levelling Up Fund (LUF) Round Three, will be launched ahead of the Autumn Statement on 22nd November – this suggests that the opening of the bidding window, is just weeks away.

Like LUF Round Two, we expect this to be highly competitive and the need to select an appropriate, compliant and catalytic project, will be essential to scoring highly.  With that in mind, Earth has developed an options appraisal scorecard, based on the LUF investment themes.  The options appraisal, has previously formed part of the bid submission itself.






Together with our economic associates, Earth has a 100% success record from LUF Round Two.  In April 2023, we issued a news article with guidance on how to make a successful bid – please find a link to the article here.

If you are a council that is looking to bid and are seeking support in preparing your project options appraisal, and or strategic advice and bid preparation, please do get in contact: amy.colver@earthregeneration.co.uk

All the best to those taking part.